
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Back to Normal

Well, all the prayers did the trick and our feisty boy is back to his energetic, slobbery self!  It was only 3 days, (6) x-rays, (3) anti-nausea pills, and $500 later before he was trying to chew on everything in the house again!

He's back to riding in the car every morning to take the kids to school - head out of the window, jowls-a-flappin' in the breeze, barking at the occasional driver in the cars next to us at stop lights.  He gets a lot of stares and giggles and sometimes even gets to make a friend or two when he sees other puppies.

Halloween is coming up and the debate (non-Presidential thankfully) has begun in our house as to what, if any, costume Cashy's going to sport for the big night.  I don't feel confident that my puny biceps could keep him under control while trick-or-treating, but he still needs to pass out candy, right?  Well, the obvious choice has to be polka-dot Batman, but we're still open to suggestions.

Back to myself just in time for movie night.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

A Wake-up Call

There are times in all of our lives that we get busy, get distracted with the daily grind and get caught up in our own world and forget that those we share our lives with are not simply supporting characters in our story, but main characters in their own and beautifully woven into ours.  Today was my day to remember that.  While I was waiting to be "inspired" to write Cash's blog again, waiting for my own life to resemble one I used to know, Cassius was still growing up.  Each day, he was sharing his precious self with me and our family and keeping a smile on my face and plenty of smooches on my cheeks and while I am sure he felt my gratitude, I failed to share his unique, silly exploits with all the other people that love him.

It's no secret that he's quite the chewer.  He chews anything and everything he can get his big ol' slobbery monster mouth around -- which is a lot!  During his patrol through the house, he found a ripped pillow (yes, he did that) in the laundry room and like any ornery baby boy, he grabbed it and ran like a Derby horse out the back door, shaking the filling out all over the backyard.  After I chased him down, took away his toy and started to pick up his mess in the dark, I could see that he was frantically trying to swallow any fluff he could before I could fish it out of his jaws.  I thought I got most of it, but this morning he got sick and up came the fluff... twice.  He seemed to feel a bit better, but after eating his breakfast, he got sick again, giving me my cue to get him to the vet, but not before he got sick in the car on the ride there.

Doc said he felt something in his belly, but the x-ray wasn't showing anything obvious, so they would need to keep him and take another one later.  So here we are... waiting at home, which seems really lonesome and different without my boy here.  I'm scared that he's scared.  I'm scared that this could be really bad.  Mostly, I'm scared that when I saw him earlier, that it may have been the last time I would ever see him alive.

If you would, Cash and I would appreciate any prayers you could send his way for hopefully no surgery, but even more, a swift recovery.  I think this is the part where I bargain and promise more consistent blog posts to share his amazing life with everyone who loves him.  He is such a precious boy, and so incredibly important to me.  Please keep him in your prayers.

Why do they have to make pillows taste so good?!