
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Gobble, Gobble...

Happy Turkey Day, all!  This year, Thanksgiving found us less busy than in the past, which was perfectly fine with Cassius and me.  In fact, there is a belated bird in the oven as I type, prompting an excited pup in the house!  If a couple pieces of turkey make their way into his monster mouth, I'm sure he won't complain ;)

The end of this month officially marks Cash's 18 month birthday, which we celebrate with his first bag of ADULT dog food!!  Our baby's growing up... *sniff.  He's starting to become less of a goofy puppy and more of a territorial big man, which is wonderful when a stranger comes to the door, but not so much when the kids have friends over and he lets out one of his wall-shaking barks.  Socialization is key, I think, and I am reminded that I have fallen behind on those duties.  My next purchase will be a good training collar -- no prongs -- and we'll be back on the training wagon once again!

I hope this Thanksgiving found you and yours well, and Cash and I hope you found much to be thankful for.

Gobble, Gobble.

These car rides would be more fun if she'd let me jump out to introduce myself.