
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Turkey Day!!

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I decided to post what I am most thankful for about my polka-dot pony.

1.  Kisses -- While the kisses are sometimes a bit wet and not necessarily executed with the sweetest breath (did I mention how much I miss puppy breath?) it is still wonderful to have someone love you so much that their entire face takes you in.  The occasional slow, sensual lick on bare skin in the early morning hours is omitted from my thanks, mainly because of its extreme creepiness.

2.  Snuggles -- Even at only 6 months old, he is so big and cuddly and I adore the way he walks in circles, getting just the right position to plop before he goes to sleep - right in the bend behind my legs.  I am, however, wondering where my husband will sleep after his next growth spurt.

3.  Protection -- Did I mention that our neighbor (yes, THAT neighbor) wanted to see him the other day and the whole way across the street, he crouched down as if he were planning to pounce.  The sinister roofers are once again out, and while I know he wants to protect me, he shows his loyalty by refusing to go potty outside and only stays inside with me.

4.  He's a Recycler -- There is nothing that Cassius cannot find an alternative use for, including poop.  Poop should end at poop, I think... but no.  Socks, toys, paper... it all has a secondary use.  I'm not sure that eating everything benefits the Earth, unless you count the impending vet bills we will incur, thus helping to support our fellow man.  I'm thinking this hobby is too much stress, unless we reign in our little Earth Dog.

5.  He's a Social Facilitator -- He IS the life of the party.  Everywhere he goes, he makes friends.  He knows no strangers.  In fact, when his big ol' nose gets on a mission, his new friend is thoroughly... probed.  I try to help him retain some decorum, but unless I've done my 200 lb bench presses, it's no easy task.  The good news is that for me, contented to stay antisocial many days, I have met so many nice people as a result of his charm and outgoing nature.

6.  He's a Financial Prioritizer -- Many people are attracted to expensive handbags and impractical shoes, and while I will admit my affection for nice things has not waned, Cash's respect for such things (see #4) has encouraged me to keep such non-necessities in perspective.  The mere thought of his monster mouth, seeping thick Dane drool all over a pair of Louboutins brings a tear to my eye.  I could kid myself and aim for a date that he will outgrow his teething frenzy, but I think that drool is here to stay.

7.  He Offers Vacuuming Assistance -- He's good... I mean  REALLY good.  He can clear sections of flooring faster than my Dyson.  My only complaint is that he doesn't have that little compartment that you can search for lost Lego pieces after they've been mistakenly devoured.

8.  He's a Spa Attendant -- You've all seen how much help he can be in the bath, but he is equally helpful in the shower.  Our shower is a walk-in with no door, so a day does not go by that he doesn't follow us in to dig at the drain, sniff the shampoo, or just freak us out with his tongue.  I will say that he is the cleanest dog we've ever had.

9.  He's a Window Washer -- The back door, the living room, the front door... but no other place is quite so attended as the car windows, streamed with a thick garland of puppy slobber.  In all fairness, I have never spent so much time cleaning the windows as I do now, so his contribution does help the windows stay cleaner.

10.  That Look -- You know... the look he gives me when he doesn't want anything, but those big, sea glass eyes, ringed in black, just stare through me, watching me... waiting to see what we're going to do next.  Looking at me - his buddy.  Looking to see what I want, what would make me happy.  The look that is the reason I do it all.  The reason I am so very thankful.

I hope each of you have a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Don't tell her, but this look usually gets me some kind of yummy treat.

Awww, the calm before the storm.  Bwahahahaa!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

a Dane Family Album

Cashy's getting so big and with his 6 month old birthday coming at the end of this month, I thought it would be nice to show what his wonderful mommy and daddy look like.

Is it still a romantic stroll when he mauls her the whole time?
Proud parents watching Cash's sister, Kira, nap.

Daddy Nitro is 18 months old now, weighs 170 lbs, and recently added International Champion, G2 to his list of attributes.  His breeder, Shana Pace, tells me his personality is so much like his daddy, as well as his physical beauty.  I can't wait for them to come to a dog show near us so that we can cheer him on!

Cash's daddy being a RockStar!

Mommy Raven is warm and intelligent and a wonderful mommy.  She has her Canine Good Citizen title and, in my opinion, makes some of the prettiest babies around.  She's weighs 140 lbs.  

Kind of looks like an Estee Lauder ad, eh?

Cash came from a litter of 12 puppies!  I would have absolutely loved to have them all, but you can tell the truth... isn't Cashy the most beautiful?

Cashy's first pack -- always posing for the camera!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Week

This week was crazy, with the end of the football season, sick parents, one sick kid, and more back and forth in the car than I could stand, but the weekend is finally here and with only a couple things going on this weekend, we have a few moments to chill.

We had the family over and Cash was almost perfect... until he saw his Beagle cousin, Ophelia Mae.  Then after tormenting her with his Johnny Bravo charm and brawn, got sent to isolation to give her a little break.  However, his charm did work on Aunt Kim, who decided to join him in lockdown, for which he seemed most grateful.

Yay! A cell mate to maul!

He also got to spend some quality time with G-ma.  She's always so shiny and clean afterward, but so out of breath, lol.

I just love you sooooo much!!

Our spoiled boy got to go to Brookside Barkery to get some food and pick out a treat - or 10.  He ended up loving his new Bully Stick and Thanksgiving Turkey cookie.  This place is always super helpful and informed about all breeds, but I was happy they knew Dane-specific info.  Lots of good Christmas ideas for our baby!

I'm pretending not to notice all the snack 'ems behind me -- then I'll go in stealth.
This turkey's on borrowed time.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011